Thursday, March 26, 2009

A successful trader - know thyself

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle"... Sun Tzu, Art of War

1. Are you honest or dishonest?
Be true about your trading results. If you falsely said you are good you will never learn.

2. Are you a promise keeper or promise breaker?
Make commitment to what you promised to anyone! Bring this habits to successful trading, make commitment to you stop loss - Don't shift your stop loss.

3. Are you a rule breaker or keeper?
Successful trader follows certain rules closely and not driven by emotions.

4. Are you a good listener or bad listener?
When market moves it tells a story. History tends to repeats itself. A bad listener will interrupt (trade recklessly) and guess what it is saying (market directions). Most of the time is a bad trade.

5. Do you think before you speak or vice versa?
People who speak before they think are often branded as ignorant and annoying. We valued the think before speak as intelligent.

6. Do you think before you act or vice versa?
Successful trader think before they act to execute successful trading habits. They follow trading plan.

7. Do you manage your emotions or vice versa?
Successful traders manage their emotions to make logical decisions.

8. Are you responsive or reactive?
Successful traders response logically to the next move and take advantage of the next opportunity that comes

9. Is your ego more constructive or destructive?
A constructive ego keeps you focused on all the details necessary to avoid any and all storms as you sail through life.

10. Are you positive about life or negative about life?
Remember the law of attraction? Successful trader focus on the positive side.

11. Do you fear mistakes or take it as a learning lesson?
Learning from mistakes is important to your future success.

12. Do you focus on what you have or what you have lost?
The longer you dwell on past failures and losses, the longer you will stay captive in your current state of failure. Successful trader focus on what they have gained.

13. Are you a goal setter or a goal quitter?
Any great achievement will accompanied by setbacks. Successful trader persist to achieve realistic goals no matter what it takes!

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